Archive for the 'misc' Category

Will Work For Food Summery

September 18th, 2008 misc

wwff@we make money not art

August 23rd, 2007 misc

Regine Debatty writes about Will Work For Food in her blog We Make Money Not Art.


Will Work For Food Web Video

July 16th, 2007 misc

Get the Flash Player to see this player.

This is what you get when you search Google for Will Work For Food.

take part

March 15th, 2007 misc

wwff ad

March 14th, 2007 misc

Congratulations!  Your artwork has been successfully added to the Rhizome ArtBase:

  will work for food

Here is the URL where it can be found.

Best regards,

Marisa S. Olson

the Internationale

March 7th, 2007 misc

The latest version of the vehicles can play “The Internationale”.
There is also a version for your mobile phone. This text file includes a monophonic ringtone (original Nokia RTTTL format).


If your mobile does not support the RTTTL format you can try to convert it at:

listen to the Internationale:

Downloadable recodings in more than 34 languages

The International (lyrics) in more than 70 languages

Webbiennal 2007

February 19th, 2007 misc

Istanbul Contemporary Art Museum, iS.CaM, proudly presents: Web Biennial 2007 Pavillion Four.

Will Work For Food is featured at the Webbiennal 2007.


February 17th, 2007 misc

The “Will Work For Food” happening deals with the desire to find a new definition for labour and the act of working.

“Will Work For Food” (WWFF) takes a position towards the question what role labour plays in a time, when full employment becomes an unattainable utopian conception. It deals with a re-assessment of labour” its disjunction from covering the cost-of-living of the individual.

An essay by French sociologist Pierre Bourdieu, his “Notes in ordinary of the resistance against the neo-liberal invasion” (under the title “Contre-feu” – Backfire) gives some suggestions: “It is high time to create the preconditions for a collective outline of a social utopia.” Bourdieu describes a potential social network that actively offers resistance against neo-liberalism. “Contre-feu”, backfire, is a term originally coming from fire suppression and denotes a controlled fire, which is set in order to control the spread of a conflagration. Translated into art it means to seize resources that are inherent in the system, re-code them and put them into practise against the status quo. Or more concise: Fight fire with backfire!

With reference to the utopian ideas of the 50s and 60s of the 20th century which yearned for the liberation of humanity from any form of labour WWFF plays with the possibility to fulfil this dream and takes over the role of the precarious subject. The WWFF vehicles are communication catalysts.

They give an occasion and a space for social interaction and discussion.

The WWFF vehicles stand for a guaranteed basic income.

happy birthday!

January 27th, 2007 misc

The vehicles are ready to work for food. Interested? Follow instructions.

at work!

January 1st, 2007 misc

will work for food

This is a project about labour and barter economy. Let a robot work for you. The “Will Work For Food” vehicle is able to draw and whistle. In return you are asked to send some food instead of money to a given address. If you do not need it anymore, just pass it to somebody else or send it back.